Spring Visit to Ness Gardens


Arthur Kilpin Bulley, founder of Ness Botanic Gardens, possessed a progressive and welcoming ethos, which the gardens seek to echo in all areas of their work. Bulley wanted to ensure that everyone had access to beautiful plants and this idea  remains at the heart of what they do today. 

Explore the delights of Ness Botanic Gardens spread across 64 acres with stunning views of the River Dee and North Wales. Constantly changing, there are always new things to see at Ness. From vibrant year-round colour to outstanding collections of Rhododendrons, Camellias, Snowdrops and Sorbus, amongst others. 

We are currently planning a visit to the fabulous Ness Botanic Gardens on the Wirral, owned by the University of Liverpool. The planning is in its early stages but we need to get some idea of the numbers we might expect.

The visit would be at the end of June, probably the 27th

The day would start with travel by coach to the gardens and take in a guided tour to give us a captivating introduction to the gardens, it's history dating back to 1898, and to the many seasonal wonders that will make your visit unique. The tour would typically take 60-90 minutes. We will also have time to explore independently and get some refreshments at the Botanic Kitchen before our coach trip home. As it isn't possible to book refreshments, everyone would be responsible for their own eating arrangements . 


If you would be interested in going, please let from Hilary Forrest, our Visits Secretary know by emailing her at jenhilfor@gmail.com as soon as possible as entry to the gardens and coach hire are already getting booked up.