Please download and complete the application form you need from the list below. 

 A1 Membership Renewal Form 2024-2025 Print version.pdfDownload
 A2 New Membership Application Form 2024-2025.docxDownload
 A3 Gift Aid Declaration 2024-2025.pdfDownload
Showing 1-4 of 4

You can pay the Arts Society Bowdon  by either Bank Transfer or Cheque. 

We cannot currently take card payment for membership fees.

Bank Transfer

Account name:  The Arts Society Bowdon 

Sort code:             16-20-31

Account No.:      11193175 

Please ensure that you put the initial and surname of the MEMBER in the reference field to help us link the payment to the member. 

Please send your completed form to the Membership Secretary at the address below or attach to an email and send to



Please make cheques payable to The Arts Society Bowdon & send with completed form to the Membership Secretary at the address below.


    Send to

Membership Secretary

Bowdon Arts Society

137 Marsland Road


                   M33 3NZ



Any questions, please contact us on 0161 282 6209